Hiteon PTC

Update DEI on Zoom

❗️DEI Meeting on Zoom❗️ Our apologies for not meeting at the school tonight. Instead of meeting at the school, we hope you can grab some food from either Joe’s Burgers or Choza and join us on Zoom! We’ll be discussing the upcoming projects for the rest of the year.  Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/86984500480?pwd=VzVhSEhYdnU2SjJiUk5WOHBPYjJsUT09 Meeting ID: 869 8450 0480Passcode: 2023HDEI

Dining for Dollars at Joe’s Burgers OR Choza

January’s Dining for Dollars is JOE’S BURGERS OR CHOZA! Two options for one night! Please join us for a combined Dining for Dollars event, giving families options.The event is all-day on Tuesday, January 10th.  Hiteon Elementary must be mentioned to earn credit. 20% for in-person orders including take-out. 10% for orders placed through their app ChowNow. 14623 …

Dining for Dollars at Joe’s Burgers OR Choza Read More »

2022 Staff Favorites

Show some appreciation to our Hiteon Staff this holiday season! Principals and Secretaries Kindergarten First Grade Teachers Second Grade Teachers Third Grade Teachers Fourth Grade Teachers Fifth Grade Teachers EGC Specialists Cafeteria, Counselor, Custodians, Paraeducators, Psychologist, Social Worker