Come to the second Art Literacy Training Meeting on Tuesday, November 15th from 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM in Room A118.

Our second meeting will go over Deborah Butterfield, a demonstration of the art project, and information about how to present the artist in the classroom. We will start sign ups for dates for you to present the artist to your classes shortly thereafter.


The meeting will take place in Room A118 in the upper wing. If you cannot make the meeting, please let me know as soon as possible so that we can make arrangements to get you oriented with the Art Lit process. We will need all hands on deck this year to make the Art Lit program successful for the kids.


Signing in with the Front Office

Please arrive 5 – 10 minutes early to check in with the front office. Make sure to sign in and record your volunteer hours. Additionally, bring your volunteer badge or get a temporary one from the front desk.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me ( or Cynthia Hedgecock ( See you all Tuesday, November 15th at 8:30AM!