Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day is Wednesday, November 16th!

Join Hiteon Elementary students and families, as well as students from around the country, in a walk for justice and take steps to build a better future where racism, and all forms of bullying, have no place.
There will be three Walking School Bus options to celebrate Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day. All Walking School Buses will depart from their locations at 7:30am. Feel free to join us along the route as well!
Ruby Bridges made history at 6 years old when she integrated William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans and became a national icon for the civil rights movement in 1960.
Learn more about Ruby Bridges by walking to your nearest Beaverton City Library branch (closed 11/11 for the holiday). You can use your Student Library Card to check out books about Ruby Bridges.
New students to BSD this year will receive their Student Library Card by mail before winter break.